Follow Orlando United FC


Our Schedule
Gaming Event
Our practices are open to our biggest fans. Come see how we train between games.
time7:00pm-10:pmlocationBoombah Sport Complex Field
Game Night
Our weekly fundraiser to support local kids teams. Come see the best of the next generation team up with our best.
time8:00 am - 3:00 pmlocationHome Field
Open Practice
Our practices are open to our biggest fans. Come see how we train between games.
time8:00 am - 3:00 pmlocationHome Field
Scrimmage Night
Our weekly fundraiser to support local kids teams. Come see the best of the next generation team up with our best.
time8:00 am - 3:00 pmlocationHome Field
Open Practice
Our practices are open to our biggest fans. Come see how we train between games.
time8:00 am - 3:00 pmlocationHome Field